We are a membership driven chamber and we exist to meet your needs. 

By becoming a member at the USBCCI you will gain an access to the extensive professional network that covers all USBCCI chapters in different States. 


Corporate Membership :

  • All Individual Membership Benefits plus
  • Invitations to all events and lower entrance fee
  • Highlighted presence in member publications and web presence
  • Right to reserved seating in all functions
  • Corporate affiliation included in membership roster listing
  • Logo and link to your web site from the USBCCI web site
  • Host an exclusive USBCCI event
  • Benefit from member rates at U.S. Bangladesh Chamber events through USBCCI
  • Opportunity to advertise at member rates
  • Access to help when organizing seminars and special events open to USBCCI members (has to fit with chamber schedule)
  • Referrals and introductions
  • Preferred treatment for business referrals
  • Access to become a board member
  • Introduction: Am-Ban business community
  • Premium access to all Chamber events
  • Event sponsoring option
  • Chamber newsletter business introduction
  • One vote and holding office
  • Special recognition at events
  • Company introduction on Chamber’s Facebook page
  • Service Discount at USBCCI Business Service Network as like Ticket discount, hotel booking etc.


General Membership :

  • Invitations to events and lower entrance fee
  • When event sponsor – name in web and in all printed material
  • Benefit from member rates at U.S. Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce & Industry events through USBCCI
  • Connected to USBCCI network of resources
  • Membership privileges for USBCCI
  • Introduction: Am-Ban business community
  • Premium access to all Chamber events
  • Opportunity to advertise in USBCCI newsletter
  • Chamber newsletter business introduction
  • Your logo on Chamber website
  • Service Discount at USBCCI Business Service Network as like ticket discount, hotel booking etc.
  • One vote and holding office


Individual Membership :

  • Connected to USBCCI network of resources
  • Membership privileges for USBCCI
  • Introduction: Am-Ban. Business community
  • Opportunity to advertise in USBCCI newsletter
  • Event sponsoring option
  • Chamber newsletter business introduction
  • You’re Identity on Chamber website
  • Service Discount at USBCCI Business Service Network as like Ticket discount, hotel booking etc.


Startup Membership : 

  • Connected to USBCCI network of resources
  • Membership privileges for USBCCI
  • Introduction: Am-Ban. Business community
  • Opportunity to advertise in USBCCI newsletter
  • Event sponsoring option
  • You’re Identity on Chamber website
  • Premium access to all Chamber events
  • Service Discount at USBCCI Business Service Network as like Ticket discount, hotel booking etc.